Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Legend of Queen Opala

Legend of Queen Opala

http://img269.imagevenue.com/loc565/th_802306468_tduid300133_Image00053_123_565lo.jpg http://img135.imagevenue.com/loc537/th_802314607_tduid300133_Image00057_123_537lo.jpg http://img128.imagevenue.com/loc36/th_802321229_tduid300133_Image00067_123_36lo.jpg

File Size: 233 MB
Audio: English
Censored: No

I can share the Save files were you can fuck osira without any problem. and opala too. i forget to save the Farah's fucking files. or you can do that too. if you want then i can replay the game and make a save file for you guys.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Cheats Of Legend Of Queen Opala II Episode I

Cheats Of Legend Of Queen Opala II Episode I


Cheat codes are activated by typing them in using the necklace found in the main character's house east of Castle Resteed, not Greenfield lands. All cheats start with a capital letter.


When you activate the necklace it says that using any cheat code disables both saving and achievements. Successfully activating a cheat code does not currently disable menu saving (LoQO II Ep. I) when the character has the coin of saving from the Traveling Scholar at Castle Resteed, however Sanctus crystal saving is disabled. Further testing needed to determine whether or not it actually also disables unlocking achievements.
(Hint the coin of saving not working now after activating any cheat codes)


Cheat - Does nothing. Game makes fun of you for trying an obvious code. Does not trigger cheat toggle.

Sprint - When you press the 'a' key in certain screens sprint mode is activated. Press the 'a' key again to disable. The character moves much faster when walking in sprint mode than when walking normally. Command glitchy currently (as of LoQO II Ep. I). Cheat toggle triggered.

Richer - Gives party 5000 gold. Triggers cheat toggle.

Save - Game makes fun of you for trying to turn the ability to save back on. Does not trigger cheat toggle or do anything else.

Exp - Adds 1000 exp to all party members. Triggers cheat toggle.

Level - Gives all party members 10 levels. Triggers cheat toggle.

Gabe - In case you forgot, Gabe (the creator of this game, not the horse character in this game) is female! Triggers cheat toggle.
Note: this cheat is highly recommended viewing, but be sure to save prior to using this cheat and reload that save when finished to make sure you can still unlock achievements in the game.

How do I get the blade of nobunaga?

Question: How do I get the blade of nobunaga? So far I have the gauntlet and the boots. 

Answer: Talking to the captain about sailing north is end of the game So You will Get those in Next Episode.

How do you meet the queen, and get the travel documents?

Question: How do you meet the queen, and get the travel documents?

Answer: To meet queen you need to go into the right side entrance of the desert city. But you have to go south first an talk to the soldiers I think so that you know you need her permission to pass through.

How do you meet captain durrow?

Question: How do you meet captain durrow? Apparently one of the pirate said he will be in the tavern at some point. However I tried numerous times of visiting the tavern and inside he's still not there. 

Answer:  The captain will show up once you have all the other armor.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Legend of Queen Opala II - Episode I Nude Sex Sence

Did anyone has seen gabe's scene with Farah ?

Question: Did anyone has seen gabe's scene with Farah ?

Answer: I always found that I had to leave Gabe's house, kill the first set of Evil Mushrooms then go back into the basement of Gabe's house and Farrah would be there.  you will need 6000$ to give Gabe For the Sex with Farah.

About Rare Monsters

About Rare Monsters:

Question: Someone asked Gabe about how to get the Rare Giga Brutus to re-appear, to see the sex scene:

Answer: "Neither - Rare monsters are only affected by other rare monsters, there is always a set amount of those in the world, and killing base enemies or reloading maps does nothing to affect them. (Gabe)"

is there a file called achievement.reward in the folder with your game?

Question: is there a file called achievement.reward in the folder with your game?

Answer: Yes it has always been there. 

Is there a way to enter castle conquest?

Question: Is there a way to enter castle conquest?

Answer: I have not found any way to enter Castle Conquest in Episode 1 and from decripting the game files I don't think its programed yet.

Is there a better lockpick or a key for opening doors that novice lockpick can not open?

Question: Is there a better lockpick or a key for opening doors that novice lockpick can not open?

Answer: The Expert Lockpick can be obtained and used from the Items List.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Legend of Queen Opala II - Episode I

Legend of Queen Opala II - Episode I


File Size: 144 MB
Audio: Japanese/English
Censored: No

when you reach the first town (theo one ruled by Kross), you have to go south until you can go only left, and then enter in the first house you see. A man there will make a quiz at you, respond correctly to his question and you'll get the item to save everywhere
About the game, I can't go on now. (I'll put a spoiler tag to be sure)

I encountered Osira in the Temple of Moon (in the desert region of the game) and I can't follow her in the door. To open it, I guess from what the PC found on the door that I have to go across the ocean, and find the highest location of the game (you have to get across the ocean to find another quest item too). Now, I have to wait that a captain of a ship go to the tavern in the Tel Adira, but I tried to sleep and let a few day pass (as a NPC suggest) and he doesn't come.
I guess the game could've ended for now, since I killed three of the bosses of the main story (and from the achievment's name I think that there are only six bosses), but the game completion is at 18%, and even if I didn't complete a lot of side quests, I doubt that they can reach the 50% of the game. Plus, Gabe said that we can explore the whole continent, and I think that the region beside the ocean is apart of the continent.



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