Mini List Of Where Scenes Are Though
(that aren't part of the story)
1. Surrender when meeting Milana in city then choose to watch (or listen, whatever) in prison
2. Choose to watch Farah when she's in the slave place
3. Have 5 points with Farah and enter an inn
4. Lost to Oniquines (has to be 2 of them, they appear at night in Echo Forest. WEST VER ONLY)
5. Lose to Giganto Brutus (Temple of Moon. Not sure if version dependent. SUPPOSEDLY EAST VER ONLY)
6. Choose to watch after beating zombie woman (West version only)
7. Meet Gabe in Neverless Canyon. Enter his house two more times (have
to go to different screens first). Need 5000 gold. Basically just choose
the options that will let Farah do him.
3 scenes are part of the story
1. Osira with Emperor
2. Opala with Minotaur
3. Opala with more minotaurs (Osira joins in in the West version, right?)
Real Sisters Natalia Starr and Natasha Starr Threesome Porn Video
Natasha Starr and Natalia Starr
A pair of Polish-American sisters from 2010s. They have 6 years between
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6 years ago