Saturday, January 26, 2013

Legend Of Queen Opala Walkthrough

Legend Of Queen Opala Walkthrough

Tablet of History

Bandit fortress 2 room with enemies, chest right to the right of southern entrance


Illustration 40 - Entering the main bandit fotress you'll encounter a fat guy claiming to be the bandit leader. Once defeating his goons, go ahead, and there'll be chests to the left and right (2 to the right, 1 to the left). there will be a letter with the illustration on the top left.

Illustration 46 - Once you enter the first bandit fotress (meaning the actual fotress, and not just outside it) you should go left till you can't go any further, then go up the stairs. In the room you should be in, he should be hiding in a crate on the left side.

Illustration 35 - Obtained from killing kerberus (see legendary creatures Kerberus for location)

Illustration 39 - Obtained from killing Legendary Serpendo (see legendary creatures Legendary Serpendo for location)

Illustration 19 - Once having repaired the ancient key, go to dead rock and go to the "alter". the key will fit in. You'll be warped to some sort of bath, and in the lower left corner an envelope will be visible.

Illustration 09 - In the royal palace in egypt go to the first room on the left. You should arrive in the kitchen. A box will be there at the buttom with Hen'Tai.

Illustration 53 - When in greece, the eastern graveyard/church thing. once entering the first part, go south to the downward stairway. It should be in a letter. (I don't know if this is only in +)

Once you enter the first bandit fotress (meaning the actual fotress, and not just outside it) you should go left till you can't go any further, then go up the stairs. In the room you should be in, he should be hiding in a crate on the left side. - Illustration 46

In the royal palace in egypt go to the first room on the left. You should arrive in the kitchen. A box will be there at the buttom with Hen'Tai. he will drop Illustration 09.


Thundernova armor - once you've exit the first cave north of the city, you go down to the next plane. there you go to the northwestern corner. across a bridge there will be a cave with 2 chests, one containing the plate in +.

Earthstorm axe - go through both bandit buildings, and you'll arrive at where the bandit leader is having a meeting. Altum the dark knight will challange you, and defeat you (Don't bother trying to kill him, he is non killable(correct me if anyone finds me wrong)). Let him, you'll be transported outside. After being defeated you can go back inside the building, which will now be empty, and there will be a chest containing the Earthstorm axe.

Heavens armor - Once you enter the first bandit fotress (meaning the actual fotress, and not just outside it) you should go left till you can't go any further, then go up the stairs. there will be 2 pairs of bandits in the room. go to the right side of the room, and there should be a chest containing the armor.

Windstorm crossbow - Entering the main bandit fotress you'll encounter a fat guy claiming to be the bandit leader. Once defeating his goons, head right, and at the end, go down. there will be a chest containing the Windstorm crossbow.

Undead sword - Go to the north desert, of egypt. the first cave you encounter, on your right side, will contain a box with this sword in +.

Icenova Armor - in greece you should go past the first part of the city, and into the second. there, there should be a big house with a scholar. go to the top floor, and open the chest. The armor will be there in +.

Devil Rod - Enter egypts prison. Go up to where you chased Osira and continue past where you met her. You'll then enter a room with 2 packs of lizardmen. In that room you'll se a chest in the top, containing the Rod in +.

Windnova plate - In greece, go north of the city, and into the cave in the second field. There you'll enter the second room. There will be a red chest containing the plate in +.

Snake Mace - once you've exit the first cave north of the city, you go down to the next plane. there you go to the west, and there'll be a cave containing the mace in +.

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