Sunday, February 26, 2017

Walkthrough for Illustrations of Legend of Queen Opala

Walkthrough of All Illustrations of Legend of Queen Opala

01 - defeat the legendary broncallo, in the mountains north of athrosa (west of athrosa cave).
02 - lost letter, stealth game building, festival island
03 - hen'tai box south west of athrosa on the road back to the portal cave.
04 - artshop
05 - artshop
06 - artshop
07 - defeat the legendary giantus in the crystal chamber beneath the palace dungeons.
08 - lost letter, second floor of house north of mount falcon inn.
09 - hen'tai box in palace kitchens
10 - hen'tai box at isolated ruins, greece
11 - lost letter, room in mansion of the lord, after dungeons.
12 - defeat the legendary goddess, church, ruins of the past.
13 - hen'tai box at ruins of the past, 2nd area
14 - artshop, new stock
15 - artshop, new stock
16 - defeat the legendary giga lardo, outside of osira's liar entrance.
17 - hen'tai box at mount falcon end
18 - hen'tai box at arena training ground
19 - lost letter, found in the haven of the furries (use ancient doorway found on dead rock).
20 - defeat the legendary octobreeder in the monster cove cave.
21 - defeat the legendary slitheros at the dead rock swamps.
22 - hen'tai box in the dungeons of the mansion of the lord.
23 - defeat the legendary spike dragon on the island of the mansion of the lord.
24 - defeat the legendary ice queen, end of the monster cave in wintero.
25 - defeat the legendary spirit queen, outside the top of the tower of hades
27 - defeat the legendary bagdarus at the bottom of hell dune.
28 - defeat the legendary lightning queen outside osira's liar.
29 - defeat the legendary nature queen in souther greece.
30 - hen'tai box in the village of wintero, in a locked house.
31 - defeat the legendary wingbask within the pharoah's tomb.
32 - hen'tai box in the castle on monster cove.
33 - defeat the legendary demon guardian at the cave on the island of the mansion of the lord.
34 - defeat the legendary featherlion, south mount falcon.
35 - defeat the legengary kerberos at the bandit fortress.
36 - lost letter, house in outpost
37 - lost letter, lady farah's room
38 - lost letter, locked house in wintero, near tavern.
39 - defeat the legendary serpento, in the great land, egypt.
40 - lost letter, bandit fortress, long hall after meeting with rughart, NW corner.
41 - defeat the legendary ragnarok, in greece, south of the singless post.
42 - lost letter, stables
43 - hen'tai box, east of garden of anuket
44 - lost letter, back of osira's lair in the right most cell.
45 - defeat the legendary krona, flying around several screens east of wintero village.
46 - hen'tai box, second floor library, bandit fortress.
47 - lost letter, courtyard with crosses in castle on monster cover.
48 - defeat the legendary bulk in the gatehouse, tower of hades.
49 - defeat the legendary undead baron in the deep dungeons.
50 - lost, letter, second lever in room outside tower of hades
51 - hen'tai box in outside of osira's throne room
52 - lost letter, western wing of arena (near door to balcony).

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